Curationist Museum Services

Curationist Foundation established Curationist Museum Services to connect with institutions to expand open access to global cultural resources.

Research shows that many small and medium-size galleries, libraries, archives, and museums (GLAM institutions) are ready to share their collections digitally but lack the financial or human resources necessary to complete the task.

Curationist Foundation meets institutions where they are and helps them overcome obstacles to digital sharing.
This can look like:

Sourcing partners to provide funding support

Analyzing current digital storage capacity and recommending expansion solutions

Offering insights into best practices for tagging objects

Hands-on training and support related to capturing digital images of cultural objects

Gaining, maintaining, and sustaining funding support from boards and leadership

Establishing a digital taxonomy for objects within the collection

Providing guidance on licensing and provenance

Accurately cataloging images in the institution’s virtual collection

Cross-collection collaboration and best practices education related to collection digitization

Curationist Foundation takes a holistic view of an institution, engaging them in a consultative process to resolve obstacles towards fulfilling their participation in open culture.

National Gallery of Art

Curationist Foundation recognizes that underrepresented voices have been shut out of the process of digitization and sharing due to lack of financial or human resources.

Despite sharing a commitment to open culture, many institutions face significant limitations in their ability to broaden access to their collections through digitization.

Curationist Foundation aids institutions that have thus far been unable to digitize and share their collections so they can participate fully in open culture.

Learn more

We have a co-application process - if your institution is interested and meets funding criteria, you will be able to co-sign a grant request with us and we’ll help find funding to get the work paid for. You don’t have to pay out of pocket.

We are currently accepting early applications for co-grant funding to cover the cost of the service line for your organization. If your organization is interested in being considered, please go to our Contact page and send us an email.

Curationist Foundation takes a holistic view of an institution, engaging them in a consultative process to resolve obstacles towards fulfilling their participation in open culture.

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Curationist connects people to cultural knowledge from all over the world.

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